The Citizens National Bank Tommy Burress Jr. Farmer and Little Miss Ham Days are an annual tradition of Marion County Country Ham Days!
Ages 3-5, Boys and Girls
Contest Rules
1.) Children must reside in Marion County.
2.) Out-of-town, disinterested judges will judge children on appropriateness of dress depicting Country Ham Days, charm and personality.
3.) All children must be registered by 5:00pm, Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
4.) Winners will receive: Little Miss Ham Days will receive a crown and sash. Jr. Farmer will receive a trophy and sash. Winners will ride in the Pigasus Parade at 1:00pm.
5.) Contestants for Little Miss Ham Days are to report behind the stage by 9:15am.
6.) Contestants for Jr. Farmer are to report behind the stage at 9:30am.