One of the largest events of Ham Days Weekend, the Energy Insurance of Lebanon Classic Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show, attracts approximately 250 participants and an ever increasing number of admirers. This beloved show is held on Sunday all along Main Street.
🛻 Energy Insurance of Lebanon will be highlighting Jeeps, with a dedicated area for Jeeps will be located on Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue.
The gate entrance is on west main street at approximately 420 West Main Street. You would enter from the west, heading East. A pivotal intersection to pass through is West Main and West Walnut street.
There is a McDonalds there and that is where the road closure signs are posted. Proceed on west main street, heading east, and the gate is set up on the street. There will be signs posted on the side of the road to help direct around downtown.

Registration also includes a FREE T-shirt for each registered vehicle, while supplies last. There is NO PREREGISTRATION!
For all updated information, visit the official events page here.
Show Entry Directions

2024 Classes
Sponsor’s Awards (Energy Insurance)
Best Pre-49
Best 50-59
Best 1980-2000
Best 2001-Present
Best Mopar
Best GM
Best Ford
Best Corvette
Best Truck
Best 4X4
Best Street Rod
Best Muscle Car
Best of Show
Best of Show Motorcycle
Runner up Best Motorcycle
Most Trail Ready
Pavement Princess
Jeeper’s Choice
Best of Show Jeep